Division Orientations
August 12 - 13
August 12-13
Both students and parents are encouraged to attend their fall 2020 orientations. Important information about back to school protocol, curriculum, homework expectations, academic portals, and general class guidelines, etc. will be discussed. We look forward to seeing you at the orientations! Please use the links below to join the Zoom sessions on the respective dates and times.
August 12 • 6:30pm – 9th Grade & New High School Student Virtual Orientation
August 13 • 6:00pm – Kindergarten & New Lower School Student Virtual Orientation
August 13 • 7:00pm – 5th Grade & New Middle School Student Virtual Orientation
Join the zoom sessions
Click the links below to join the Zoom meetings on the following dates and times:
Wednesday, August 12 at 6:30pm
Thursday, August 13 at 6:00pm
Thursday, August 13 at 7:00pm