The Class Ambassador program is designed to improve communication, increase participation, and provide Family support.
Our Class Ambassadors (current class parents) will send you monthly communication highlighting school and WPA events as well as other important school information. You should always feel free to reach out to your class ambassador with questions, ideas, or feedback you may have. We look forward to partnering with you!
2024-25 Class Ambassadors
Outreach within and outside the walden family
Ambassadors are parents who have a passion for Walden and a desire to advance the school. Class ambassadors are instrumental in strengthening relationships within our Walden family.
They serve as parent liaisons by inviting fellow class parents to events, educating them on the Walden Fund, and providing support to new families.
Walden Student ambassador program
For Students in Grades 5-12
Our students understand Walden from a perspective that cannot be imitated; their experience bears firsthand knowledge of our school culture and academic responsibilities. In holding such a position, students are able to truly express and reveal the positive attributes of our wonderful community. They can play a pivotal role in influencing the decisions of prospective families, donors, and current students; in so doing, our students shape the future of Walden.
A Walden Student Ambassador (WSA) brings the positive ideas, insight, and influence to the forefront of our outreach initiatives; they are representatives of Walden's best student qualities and embody our values of respect for all others, passion for community involvement, and love of learning.
Ambassadors are key players on the Walden admissions team by attending recruitment events and most importantly, serving as Shadow Day Buddies. Being part of the WSA program means participation in some of the most influential school events, including our Open House, Join the Journey tours, and Walden Fund breakfast.
meaningful Rewards
Through their involvement, WSAs gain invaluable experience in communication skills, social outreach, team building, and community service. They make new friends, enhance their resumes, attend exciting events, receive the inestimable satisfaction of a job well done, and most importantly, share their love for Walden!
• Enrolled in 5th Grade or above
• Have attended Walden for at least a year
• No major disciplinary infractions over the last academic year
• Consistent record of good attendance (including tardies)
• Strong work ethic
• Confident communication skills
Become a Student Ambassador
Thank you for your interest in becoming an Ambassador for the 2024-25 school year! Please contact Stacy Nickle at snickle@walden-school.org to be considered for an ambassadorship.